Wireless Band Down-Converter5.7..5.8 GHz -> 1.5..1.6 GHz Promax CV-589 WLAN spectrum

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Wireless Network Analyzers > PROMAX (3) > Wireless Band Down-Converter5.7..5.8 GHz -> 1.5..1.6 GHz Promax CV-589


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Wireless Band Down-Converter5.7..5.8 GHz -> 1.5..1.6 GHz Promax CV-589

Code: Promax CV-589
 Product Datasheet (*.JPG - 0.02 Mb)

» Technical Specs

The CV-589 is a radio frequency down converter for the 5.7 to 5.8 GHz frequency range. This band which is 100 MHz wide is down converted to the frequency range from 1500 to 1600 MHz so that it can be viewed and measured using a SAT band spectrum analyser.

Possible applications cover wireless point to point link alignment, wireless LAN (WLAN) extenders or ISM (Industrial Scientific Medical) signal testing, etc...

* Converts signals from ISM 5.8 GHz to IF satellite band

* Supply from the signal level meter


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Product: Wireless Band Down-Converter5.7..5.8 GHz -> 1.5..1.6 GHz Promax CV-589 WLAN spectrum